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Compot de pere Mademassa 760 g – Produs artizanal Premium de la Mariangela Prunotto

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Compot de pere Mademassa 760 g – Produs artizanal Premium de la Mariangela Prunotto

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Compot de pere Mademassa 760 g – Produs artizanal Premium de la Mariangela Prunotto

Importul nostru exclusiv pentru piata romaneasca

Prodotto Biologico
Materia prima: Madernassa Pears

Ingredients: Madernassa Pears,  cane sugar
Origine: Piemonte
Tipo di coltivazione: biologica certificata
Contesto climatico della raccolta: asciutto
Data della raccolta: end September
Way of picking: by hand

The Madernassa Pear is a variety named thanks a small village of Vezza d’Alba, a town very close to Alba, the capital of the Langhe and Roero outside (the location is very close to Azienda Agricola Prunotto Mariangela, about 3 km).

The plant-mother, grew up on a farm owned by Gavello farm, was pulled down in 1914, when he was 130 years old, a trunk circumference of m. 2.60 and a productivity even above 25 tons.

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