Riesling Trocken de la Prinz Von Hessen 75 cl – 91 Points
Culoare: culoarea galben pal cu reflexii verzui
Nas: Aroma de caise coapte, indicii de piersici, citrice și pepene galben
Palat: convinge cu o aciditate proaspata, excelent integrata si savoarea delicata a fructelor
Final: placut, mediu spre lung
Asociere: Riesling-ul trocken și bucătăria asiatică merg de minune împreună. Daca deschideti o sticlă trebuie sa va ganditi la carnea de crab, ghimbir și wasabi pt sushi sau poate chiar la un Lobester Roll.
Temperatura de servire între 8 și 10 ° C.
The winery Prince of Hesse in Johannisberg in the Rheingau is one of the most important Riesling producers in Germany and is from the beginning of its existence member of the VDP, the Association of German Prädikatsweingüter. Numerous recognitions in Germany and abroad reflect the outstanding quality of wines and sparkling wine. The Riesling wines of the winery Prinz von Hessen thrive in the prime locations of the Rheingau. Among them are such important names as Johannisberger Klaus, Winkeler Hasensprung and Winkeler Jesuitengarten. 95% of the vineyards are dedicated to the Riesling vine.
The importance of our vineyard sites was documented early on: The precise description of the Rheingauer layer classification of 1885 related to the quality of the soils and the tax deduction of the various layers. During this time, the Rheingau Riesling rose to a coveted wine, paid for the wine lovers in Germany and internationally top prices. This is also our goal today. So we combine the first-class credit of our vineyards with a passionate quality in every way.
So that the Riesling from the Rheingau remains unmistakable